, 19 - 21 September 1994
The scope of this
first European Consensus Conference was to establish an agreement on the situation
of Hyperbaric Medicine in Europe in 1994 with regard to the different aspects
that characterize a medical discipline: field of application, operational rules
and procedures, training of dedicated personnel, effectiveness evaluation, research.
Starting from
these points the Jury, with the support of the Conference experts and rapporteurs,
was called to formulate recommendations that could answer to the 6 following
questions, after each one of them had been discussed and debated during monothematic
1 :
Treatment for Decompression Illness?
2 :
Acute Indications for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?
3 :
Chronic Indications need Hyperbaric Therapy as an adjunctive treatment?
4 :
Safety Regulations for the design and use of medical hyperbaric chambers
and of medical equipment for hyperbaric use?
5 :
initial Training and which Continuing Education for personnel employed
in Clinical Hyperbaric Medicine?
6 :
Research to expect and plan for the next five year period?
Members of the
Jury : E.M. Camporesi, New York (USA), A. Gasparetto, Rome (Italy), M. Goulon,
Paris (France), L.J. Greenbaum, Bethesda (USA), E.P. Kindwall, Milwaukee (USA),
M.Lamy, Liege (Belgium), D. Linnarsson, Stockholm (Sweden), J.M. Mantz, Starsbourg
(France), C. Perret, Lausanne (Switzerland), P. Pietropaoli, Ancona (Italy),
H. Takahashi, Nagoya (Japan), C. Voisin, Lille (France).
The use of hyperbaric
chambers in intensive care started in Europe more than 30 years ago; the present
experience is sufficient to identify those clinical conditions where hyperbaric
oxygen (HBO) has a therapeutic interest. Therefore the first scope of the Conference
is to confront the obtained clinical results in order to search a consensus
in the definition of recognized indications for HBO, according to three levels
of priority:
a) Situations where
the transport to a hyperbaric facility is strongly recommended because it is
recognized that HBO positively affects the prognosis for survival. This implies
that the patient is transferred to the nearest hyperbaric facility as soon as
possible (type 1 recommendation).
b) Situations
where the transport to a hyperbaric facility is recommended because it is recognized
that HBO constitutes an important part of the treatment of that given condition,
which, even if it may not influence the prognosis for patient's survival, it
is nevertheless important for the prevention of serious disorders. This implies
that the transfer to a hyperbaric facility is made, unless this represents a
danger to the patient's life (type 2 recommendation).
c) Situations where
the transfer to a hyperbaric facility is optional, because HBO is regarded as
a additional treatment modality which can improve clinical results (type 3 recommendation)
Establishing a
similar list is not an easy task, as in almost the totality of cases, the choice
of an indication for treatment is based on clinical experience and not on controlled
studies. Is it necessary, in similar conditions, that the validity of a given
indication is again put under discussion and that the results of controlled
prospective studies are awaited before defining lists of indications for Hyperbaric
Oxygen therapy? This Jury does not think that this is appropriate. Clinical
experience has an unquestionable value when it is the result of multiple agreeing
observations, collected during many years and independently confirmed by different
groups. In other words, it seems justified that indications for which there
is unanimous consensus of the leading experts are accepted without further evidence.
A criticism to
a similar attitude, which can lead to accept a treatment without any formal
evidence of its efficacy, is that it can expose the patient to unknown potential
damage. But we can answer that the choice of any treatment modality, be it medical
or surgical, is always based on a careful evaluation of its risk / benefit ratio
as compared to the patient's specific conditions . There are circumstances where
clinical experience shows that the benefits of treatment are of such magnitude
that the potential side-effects can be considered negligible. Serious carbon
monoxide intoxication, for instance, is a condition where it would seem unreasonable
to withdraw HBO because of the potential pulmonary oxygen toxicity effects.
In situations such as the latter, the choice is simple; but it may be more complicated
when the expected advantage is not as evident. In these situations the issue
is the objective evaluation of the real interest and usefulness of the treatment
The Jury has attempted
to identify those clinical situations for which the efficacy of Hyperbaric Oxygen
Therapy is unanimously recognized and where the evidence of beneficial effects
of the treatment is such that the treatment should not be ethically denied.
In other situations, where sufficient evidence in favour of HBO is not available,
it is necessary to start evaluation procedures based on multicentre studies
and on clearly defined protocol, as approved by a suitable ethical committee.
Only after the completion of such studies will it be possible to accept a new
Professor Claude
PERRET - President of the Conference Jury
? |
The primary cause
of DCI is the separation of gas in the body tissues (bubbles).
- The best prophylaxis
is achieved by adequate ascent/decompression procedures.
- DCI is best
classified descriptively.
- On-site 100%
oxygen first aid treatment is strongly recommended (Type 1 recommendation).
- On-site fluid
administration for the first aid of decompression accidents is recommended
(Type 2 recommendation).
- Therapeutic
recompression must be initiated as soon as possible (Type 1 recommendation).
- Aside immediate
recompression treatment tables which may be used on the site of the accident,
the "low pressure oxygen treatment tables" are recommended
as the treatment tables of first choice (Type 1 recommendation). High pressure
oxygen/inert gas tables can be used in selected and/or resistant cases (Type
3 recommendation). Deep, not surface-oriented, mixed gas or saturation diving
accidents require special treatment protocol.
Adjunctive pharmacological
treatment is controversial but :
- I.V. fluid therapy
is recommended (Type 2 recommendation)
- The use of steroids
and anticoagulants, although widely adopted without any apparent adverse effect,
is considered optional (Type 3 recommendation)
The continuation
of a combined Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and rehabilitation treatment is recommended
until clinical stabilisation or no further improvement is achieved (Type 2 recommendation)
The minimal consensus
obtained reflects the heterogeneous nature of the different conditions grouped
under the definition "Decompression Illness", even if they share the
same pathophysiological basis.
It must be remembered that the majority of the scientific papers on the subject
refers to military or commercial diving. Considering the treatment results of
these accidents, the role of pressure and the importance of the time factor
in limiting the delay to recompression are unquestionable and consequently justify
the need for hyperbaric chambers on the very site where commercial or military
diving is performed.
The recent significant development of recreational diving, notwithstanding the
stringent safety rules and procedures, is similarly accompanied by the
occurrence of decompression accidents, based on the same pathophysiological
mechanisms, but the situation is entirely different with regard to the start
of therapeutic recompression procedures, as the interval to recompression is
consistently longer, with the consequence that the efficacy of recompression
may be compromised and impaired.
As a further consequence the therapeutic procedures are applied at different
stages of the same illness, characterized by a multi-factorial evolution.
Thus, a reliable comparative analysis of the therapeutic results become delicate
and risky, as it deals with different procedures applied to heterogeneous conditions.
Answering these pending questions will only be possible after further studies
conducted with adequately modified approaches
- General:
- Hyperbaric Facilities
accepting emergency indications in potentially Intensive Care requiring patients
should be hospital based and located in or immediately near-by the hospital
Intensive or Emergency Care Department.
- Technical competence
and personal skills at the hyperbaric facility must be adequate and such that
any potentiel accident - derangement - problem will not be likely to interfere
with the decision to accept an indication for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
- Hyperbaric Oxygen
Therapy must be seen as part of a therapeutical continuum, without any interruption
of the chain of treatment. It cannot be considered as an isolated treatment
- Hyperbaric Oxygen
Therapy implies the administration of oxygen under pressures not lower than
2 ATA and for times not shorter than 60 minutes.
II - Carbon Monoxide (CO) Intoxication
- Carbon
monoxide intoxications must be treated with normobaric oxygen as a first aid
treatment (Type 1 recommendation)
- Carbon monoxide
intoxications presenting with consciousness alterations, clinical neurological,
cardiac, respiratory or psychological signs must be treated with Hyperbaric
Oxygen Therapy, whatever the carboxyhemoglobin value may be (Type 1 recommendation)
- Pregnant women
must be treated with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, whatever the clinical situation
and the carboxyhemoglobin value may be (Type 1 recommendation ).
- In minor carbon
monoxide intoxication cases there is a choice between normobaric oxygen therapy
for at least 12 hours and HBO. Until the results of randomized studies are
available HBO remains optional (Type 3 recommendation).
III - Gas Embolism
- Whatever
is the symptomology of air embolism, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is strongly
recommended, The minimal treatment pressure must not be lower than 3 ATA (Type
1 recommendation)
IV - Anaerobic or mixed bacterial Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infections
- Hyperbaric
Oxygen Therapy is strongly recommended in the treatment of anaerobic or mixed
bacterial necrotising soft tissue infections ( myonecrosis, necrotizing fasciitis,
necrotizing cellulitis, etc ... ). HBO therapy should be integrated in a treatment
protocol comprising adequate surgical and antibiotic therapy (Type 1 recommendation).
The sequential order for HBO, antibiotics and surgery is a function of the
conditions of the patient, of the surgical possibilities and of hyperbaric
oxygen availability.
V - Acute Soft Tissue Ischemia
is recommended in limb crush trauma and reperfusion post-traumatic syndromes
(Type 2 recommendation)
- HBO is optional
in post-vascular surgery reperfusion syndromes (Type 3 recommendation)
- HBO is recommended
in compromised skin grafts and myo-cutaneous flaps (Type 2 recommendation)
- HBO is optional
in the re-implantation of traumatically amputated limbs (Type 3 recommendation)
- In every case
the measurement of transcutaneous oxygen pressure is recommended as an index
for the definition of the indication and of the evolution of treatment (Type
2 recommendation)
VI - Post-anoxic encephalopathy
is optional for the treatment of cerebral anoxia (Type 3 recommendation)
VII - Burns
is strongly recommended when the burn is associated to carbon monoxide intoxication
(type 1 recommendation).
- In the absence
of a carbon monoxide intoxication, HBO is optional when burns exceed 20% of
body surface and are of 2nd degree or more (Type 3 recommendation)
- If burned areas
are less than 20% of body surface, HBO therapy is not advised.
VIII - Sudden Deafness
- HBO,
together with other treatment measures, such as hemodilution, is recommended
in sudden deafness (Type 2 recommendation). However, the respective efficacy
of the two treatment modalities is not known at the moment.
IX - Ophthalmological Disorders
is optional in acute ophthalmologiacal ischemia (type 3 recommendation)
I - Ischemic lesions
(ulcers or gangene) without surgically treatable arterial lesions or after vascular
- ln
the diabetic patient, the use of HBO is recommended in the presence of a chronic
critical ischemia as defined by the European Consensus Conference on Critical
Ischemia*, if transcutaneous oxygen pressure readings under hyperbaric conditions
(2.5 ATA, 100% Oxygen) are higher than 100 mmhg (Type 2 recommandation)
- In the arteriosclerotic
patient the use of HBO is recommended in case of a chronic critical ischemia*,
if transcutaneous oxygen pressure readings under hyperbaric conditions (2.5
ATA, 100% Oxygen) are higher than 50 mmhg (Type 2 recommendation)
Critical Ischemia:
periodical pain, persistent at rest, needing regular analgesic treatment
for more than two weeks, or ulceration or gangrene of foot or toes with
ankle systolic pressure <50 mmhg in the non-diabetic or toes systolic
pressure <30 mmhg in the diabetic (Second European Consensus on Critical
Ischemia: Circulation 1991, 84, IV, 1-26)
II - Radionecrotic
HBO is strongly recommended in osteoradionecrosis (Type 1 recommendation).
The most frequently adopted treatment protocol implies 20 HBO sessions pre-surgery
and 10 sessions post-surgery.
HBO is strongly
recommended as a preventive treatment for dental extraction in irradiated
or osteonecrotic bone (Type 1 recommendation). The most frequently adopted
treatment protocol implies 20 HBO sessions pre-extraction and 10 sessions
- HBO is strongly
recommended in soft tissue radionecrosis (Type 1 recommendation), except in
radionecrotic lesions of the intestine where HBO has to be considered only
as optional (Type 3 recommendation).
- HBO is optional
in spinal cord radionecrosis (Type 3 recommendation).
III - Osteomvelitis
is recommended in chronic refractory osteomyelitis defined as osteomyelitic
lesions persisting more than six weeks after adequate antibiotic treatment
and at least one surgery (Type 2 recommendation).
- In cranial (except
the mandible) and sternal osteomyelitis, HBO should be started simultaneously
with antibiotics and surgical treatment (Type 2 recommendation).
IV - Other indications
- Multiple
Sclerosis and Pigmentous Retinitis are not recognized indications for Hyperbaric
Therapy at the moment, but various research protocole are currently underway.
Only the indications
generally accepted by the leading representatives of the discipline have been
Other Consensus
Conferences, dedicated to the evaluation of certain particular aspects of the
treatment of a disease for which HBO is aiready used or to new indications,
seem aiready necessary. In fact the present recommendations should not prejudice
the possible extension of the indications for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. For
example, chronic ophtalmological disorders, foeto-placentar insufficiencies,
certain mycotic and parasital infections, peripheral arteriopathies, certain
dermatological disorders, spinal and cerebral contusions are part of the HBO
indications for which the evaluation is being currently conducted.
I - Minimal Prerequisites for the design of medical hyperbaric chambers and for
medical equipment aimed at the emergency or intensive treatment of a patient under
hyperbaric conditions :
- Consciousness
level disturbances, respiratory insufficiency, hemodynamic instability should
not constitute an obstacle to the administration of Hyberbaric Oxygen Therapy
(Type 1 recommendation).
- Accepting a
patient for hyperbaric treatment, in a situation requiring emergency or intensive
care treatment, requires that the following is assured, even under hyperbaric
conditions: administration of parenteral perfusion treatment, hemodynamic
monitoring and treatment, respiratory monitoring, possibility to assure adequate
ventilation to respiratory compromised patients, hyperbaric oxygen effect
monitoring, with special regard to transcutaneous oxygen pressure monitoring
(Type 1 recommendation).
- In order to
minimize the risk of fire, no medical equipment and instrumentation should
be used in a hyperbaric chamber unless:
- it has specifically
been designed for this use and its safety has been adequately controlled
- it has been
specifically modified for use under hyperbaric conditions and its safety
has been adequately controlled
- the equipment
and instrumentation not specifically adapted for hyperbaric use is kept
outside the hyperbaric chamber and only parts of the equipment, such as
electrodes and probes, are used inside, with appropriate and safety-controlled
trans-hull penetrations to assure electrical connections (Type 1 recommendation).
- Mechanical ventilation
under hyperbaric conditions requires special adaptations. No specific ventilator
which can assure all the possibly required ventilatory modes and can be considered
ideal for hyperbaric use presently exists.
II - Minimal Prerequisites
for the design of medical hyperbaric chambers and for medical equipment for the
treatment of chronic patients under hyperbaric conditions :
- A
minimal monitoring capability, adequate for the conditions of any given patient,
is necessary for the administration of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to chronic
patients. In particular it is strongly recommended that the principal hemodynamic
parameters are non-invasively monitored (Type 1 recommendation).
- Transcutaneous
oxygen pressure monitoring, tissue oxygen pressure monitoring, Laser Doppler
flow monitoring are presently considered as the most valid monitoring instruments
to evaluate the efficacy of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (Type 2 recommendation).
III - Use of Oxygen-pressurized
hyperbaric chambers
- Their
use is possible, but only if very stringent safety measures are adopted (Type
1 recommendation).
IV - Safety Recommendations
to be foreseen at European Union level
- Hyperbaric
Chambers are considered as type II b instruments and are subject to directive
93.42CE of 14 June 1993 regarding medical instrumentation (Type 1 recommendation).
V - Safety Regulations
must be respected upon designing and using hyperbaric chambers and all medical
instrumentation used in hyperbaric chambers :
- Fire
is the principal danger in hyperbaric conditions. Every preventive measure
must be taken to avoid the risk:
- the chamber
must be built with non-burning materials
- any greasy
or oily materials must be avoided inside the chamber
- the concentration
of oxygen in the chamber must be kept at normal levels (outboard dumping
systems, forced ventilation, etc..) (Type 1 recommendation).
- Maximized fire prevention must be adapted to any given case and hyperbaric
installation, as no universally valid system exists at the moment.
- The identity
of the physical and physiological phenomena involved in both diving and hyperbaric
medicine allows us to strongly recommend that a common training curriculum
is designed for medical personnel involved in diving as well as in hyperbaric
medicine. In this regard the European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine and
the Medical Sub-Committee of the European Diving Technology Committee are
invited to cooperate (Type 1 recommendation).
- The respect
of the European Standards concerning the initial training and the continuing
education of personnel, contained in the attached document, is strongly recommended
(Type 1 recommendation).
- The initial
training should be planned in a modular fashion. Initial training of medical
doctors should last not less than 200 hours. Certain teaching modules should
be the same for diving medicine and hyperbaric medicine students. The first
common module concerns safety. Other optional modules should be added as a
function of the specific orientation of the course towards diving or hyperbaric
medicine. Hyperbaric Medicine candidates may come from different medical specialties,
but should undergo a testing stage in hyperbaric medicine before starting
the official training. The preparation and discussion of a thesis or paper
in hyperbaric medicine is a necessary prerequisite for the completion of the
training. The final diploma must be released by an University (Type 1 recommendation).
- The Medical
Director of a Hyperbaric Medicine Facility, being responsible for all the
activities performed in the Center, should have adequate training in both
hyperbaric medicine and enterprise management (Type 2 recommendation).
- It is strongly
recommended that the European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine and the Medical
Sub-Committee of the European Diving Technology Committee closely cooperate
with the goal to constitute a European Authority to control and validate training
in diving and hyperbaric medicine (Type 1 recommendation).
- There should
be at least one Training Center for each European linguistic area (Type 1
- The possibility
to create a European Baromedical Institute should be considered.
- It is strongly
recommended that quality research protocols are put in place to assure and
reinforce the credibility of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (Type 1 recommendation).
- It is strongly
recommended that doctors operating in hyperbaric centers are trained to basic
and clinical research methods (Type 1 recommendation).
- It is strongly
recommended that hyperbaric facilities and specialists associate into multidisciplinary
teams (Type 1 recommendation).
- It is strongly
recommended that information and personnel exchange policies between hyperbaric
facilities are implemented (Type 1 recommendation).
- It is strongly
recommended that a network of multicentre clinical research is implemented
(Type 1 recommendation).
- It is strongly
recommended that a structure for coordination and information is created (Type
1 recommendation).
- It is strongly
recommended that Reference Centers as well as a European Ethical and Research
Commission are constituted, within the European Committee for Hyperbaric Medicine
(Type 1 recommendation).
The implementation of these recommendations suggest the need to create a European
Ethical and Research Commission as well as of a Coordination and Information
Structure with the following primary goals:
- establishment
of a directory of centers and teams involved in Hyperbaric Medicine Research
- establishment
of a network of consultants (epidemiologists, methodologists, engineers, etc..)
- organisation
of seminars and workshops dedicated to clinical research training
- coordination
of Reference Centers, after approval of the same by the European Ethical and
Research commission (EERC)
- monitoring
and assuring the achievement of the planned goals, as defined by the EERC